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Your Hotel With GuestFlip

Idea light bulb Monitor all your hotel reviews, from any platform. Get a full view.

Loudspeaker Respond to reviews faster with automated suggestions,

Target Get operational insights and monitor department performance.

Target Monitor your competition and climb online rankings.

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SOURCES GuestFlip Social Sources

Which review channels do you support?

We support 50+ review channels, including all the popular review sources (, TripAdvisor, Expedia, etc.). We also support multiple regional review sources that may be important for your business.

How many people can use the platform?

You can invite as many colleagues or team members as you need. Every user can have their own preferences and you can configure the level of access everyone has.

Do you offer a free trial?

After our Demo, you can test our platform for up to 14 days and try out all features.

What is the cost of the platform?

The cost depends on the size of your hotel. Basic plans start from €50 per month and can go higher based on the number of rooms.

After the demo, you will receive a personalized quote for your hotel (or Hotel Group) based on your needs.